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About Kings Day

Kings Day 2023: Everything You Need to Know

About Kings Day

Kings Day (Koningsdag) is a national holiday in the Kingdom of the Netherlands that honors the Dutch monarch's birthday. It's celebrated annually on April 27th, and this year marks the 10th anniversary of King Willem-Alexander's reign.

Celebrating Kings Day in Rotterdam

This year, the official Kings Day festivities will take place in Rotterdam. The city is preparing a grand celebration with various events, including: *

Royal Walk

The day begins with the Royal Family's public walk through the city, starting at 11:00 am at the Afrikaanderplein. *

Festivals and Events

Throughout the day, multiple festivals and events will take place across Rotterdam, featuring live music, food stalls, flea markets, and more. *

Orange Festivities

Orange is the official color of Kings Day, so expect to see the city awash in orange decorations, clothing, and accessories.



Getting to Rotterdam

Rotterdam is easily accessible by train or bus from major cities in the Netherlands. There will be additional public transportation services available during the event. *


Demand for accommodation is high during Kings Day, so book your stay in advance. Consider staying in nearby cities like The Hague or Utrecht if Rotterdam is fully booked. *

What to Bring

Wear comfortable shoes as you will likely be walking a lot. Bring a raincoat in case of rain, and don't forget your orange attire!


Kings Day is a vibrant and festive occasion that brings the Netherlands together in celebration. The official festivities in Rotterdam promise an unforgettable experience with a variety of events and activities for all ages. Whether you're a local or a visitor, make sure to don your orange outfit and join the festivities!
