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Goo Hara K Pop Star Dead At 28

Goo Hara, K-Pop Star, Dead at 28

Former Member of the Group KARA

South Korean singer and actress Goo Hara has been found dead at her home in Seoul, police say.

The 28-year-old is best known as a former member of the K-pop girl group KARA.

Police are investigating the death, but said there were no signs of foul play.

Goo Hara's death comes just weeks after she posted a photo of herself on Instagram with the caption, "Good night."

The singer and actress had been open about her struggles with mental health in the past.

In May, she was hospitalized after attempting to take her own life.

Goo Hara's death has sent shockwaves through the K-pop community and beyond.

Fans and fellow celebrities have taken to social media to express their grief and condolences.


Goo Hara's death is a tragic reminder of the importance of mental health awareness.

It is essential that we all work together to break down the stigma surrounding mental illness and ensure that those who are struggling get the help they need.
